Monday, January 27, 2014

Knitting and the Public

I love seeing knitwear and handmade items in public.  I always make it a point to compliment someone on their handmade apparel.  I usually can tell if something is handmade just by looking at it...the yarn, the gauge, the uniqueness of the piece.  (By the way...there is most absolutely a difference between the phrases "handmade" and "homemade".)  Usually when I ask the person if they made their scarf or what ever garb they have on, they reply they wish they did, but no, a friend did.  Do you know, do you realize, how many people there are in this world that wish they knew how to do handicrafts?!  There are tons!

I went with one of my sisters and some friends the other night to a benefit concert by the African Children's Choir.  While waiting for the concert to start I saw a lady passing the time with her knitting.  I smiled and leaned over to one of my friends, also a knitter, and pointed out the fellow crafter.  There is such a connection among all those stitches.  We also saw an awesome felted Yoda hat...looked handmade but I only saw from afar!  The concert, by the way, was wonderful!  The African Children's Choir helps children, many of whom have lost one or both parents, by giving them a hope and an education.  We really enjoyed the children's evident love for God throughout the performance.  The children that performed in the concert we went to were all from Uganda.  We weren't allowed to take video of the performance but here is a video from their website! =)

By the way... Knitting in public days is June 7th to June 15th this year!  Get ready to share you hand knits with the world!  


Thursday, January 23, 2014

In the Beginning...

Here it is!  Post number 1!  A little bit about me...
My name is Eloise and I am passionate about the fiber arts.  I have always been creative, wanting to start my own business.  We live on a busy road and lemonade stands were never very successful as a kid.  How about painting and selling the creations on the porch?  Or a lawn concert?  Jewelry for Webkinz?  (Yes, Webkinz.  The little pets that EVERY kid had to have and activate online...)  You get the picture...long story short.  I've found my niche.  

My mom taught me to crochet when I was about five or six years old.  When my mom, sisters, and I solidly picked up knitting about six years ago it opened up worlds of creativity and opportunity.  I knitted all the time.  I constantly tried new patterns and with my motivation and other's help I've made it to where I am today.  A crossroads.  I'm graduating homeschool and throwing myself into this field.  The world where you can squeal and jump up and down in glee when you see a sheep; where you can sit back and remember the tingle that went up your spine when you walked through the 4H gate of Dutchess County Fairgrounds for the first time... the field where my talents and passions lie.

So will you follow my journey?  Rejoice in the achievements?  Help through the tough spots?  Watch and cheer as I pursue my dream?  

"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands."- Proverbs 31:13 
